mywebTODO – free online todo collaboration app

mywebTODO supports you in planning, organizing, directing and controlling projects and tasks you shared in a team.

Plan and set up you projects in mywebTODO and assign team members.

Split you project in individual tasks and todos.

With mywebTODO you can easily direct the tasks to team members.

Follow up on the progress of tasks and approve it after it is done.

mywebTODO sends a daily personal email overview to the team members and remindes of overdue tasks.

It is easy and efficient.

– TODOs, tasks , OPL (you name it)
– bug reporting, issue tracking
– software change management
– decision overview – general information – managing information in teams

perfectly suitable for
– small and medium businesses
– web design service – managing web projects with clients
– software development services – programming with service provider
– working together in teams – social activities – event management

Why should I follow up on todos – what can mywebTODO do for me?

There is plenty to do every day. One of the main tasks is to organize the work.

Who is doing what and when. To direct this information to your team mywebTODO is a beneficial way.

By noting the progress of the work all the relevant info is shared within the team.

mywebTODO is sending a daily overview of the status of the assigned tasks and milestones per email.

The tasks are directed. mywebTODO will take over sending the reminders. A big help.

Howto write a perpect task to move things forward

Vague tasks are often comprised of several smaller tasks. Make sure you account for them. If not they might throw your workflow out of line.

Poorly written tasks will lead you to underestimate what actually needs to get done.

A well-written task will help you work more effectively and efficiently.


Decide: WHO is going to do the task?

WHO needs to be involved?

WHO needs to know about the task happening and

WHO needs to know about the result?

Describe WHAT has to be done, start with verb, discuss, find, gather, outline, schedule, verify

Explain WHY this task is needed to move the project forward.

Mention HOW you expect the task to be done? Half n hour on Friday on an Excel table.

All this information will help the performer to estimate and judge the effort and work. It will help him to understand the task upon the first read.